Our Services

I hope we tell you frequently enough how much we appreciate all the help and partnership you provide. You’re the best brokers I’ve worked with anywhere…

Director of Human Resources at a Non-Profit Client of MDG

MDG staff know more about employee benefits compliance than any other brokerage firm we have ever met. Our company is subject to an array of complex regulations and MDG helps us understand and meet our employer obligations. They have made really stressful projects much simpler for us!

Chief Financial Officer at a security guard services client of MDG

At every step of the way MDG has provided us with the highest quality of customer care, expert advice, and all around support for all our benefit needs. We are a new non-profit organization that has grown from two employees to seventy five employees in less than one year. During that time MDG has been instrumental in assuring we have access to the best available benefits for our employees and guided us in implementing and upgrading the benefits at every stage.

Human Resources Director at charter school client of MDG