Category: Uncategorized
Benefits 101: What Is Open Enrollment?
For millions of Americans, the end of the year is open enrollment season – a yearly opportunity to take stock of your health care needs and select the health insurance plan that works best for you. It is a window of time – typically in the fall – when you can sign up for health…
The Return of Student Loans: Ease Your Employee’s Anxiety
In the U.S., the outstanding balance is $1.75 trillion in student loan debt. Approximately 55% of students from public four-year universities have student loans, with a balance of $37,338 owed per borrower. Beginning in October, workers nationwide will need to resume payments on their student loans for the first time since March 2020. The pandemic-related pause on both…
Pay or Play Affordability Percentage Will Decrease for 2024
Pay or Play Affordability Percentage Will Decrease for 2024 On Aug. 23, 2023, the IRS issued Revenue Procedure 2023-29 to index the contribution percentage in 2024 for determining the affordability of an employer’s plan under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). For plan years beginning in 2024, employer-sponsored coverage will be considered affordable under the ACA’s pay or…